All of us tend to go into a hole or start fuming when a problem is too difficult to solve!...
God Gives Us HopeGod Gives Us Hope
We serve the God who fills us with hope! Nobody should be able to take this confidence of hope in...
Jesus Christ Is The Only Way To Salvation – My ConvictionJesus Christ Is The Only Way To Salvation – My Conviction
When Mathematicians describe equations and theorems as “beautiful”, what do they mean? Any non-mathematically inclined person can find beauty in...
The 3 Phases Of My LifeThe 3 Phases Of My Life
Before providing details, I want to make it pellucid that my whole life can be divided into 3 phases. Surprisingly,...
What Would Jesus Do For Governance In Our World Today?What Would Jesus Do For Governance In Our World Today?
Firstly, let us honestly look at a few “big” terms used in today’s world of politics and governance: A.T.O.P. (Aristocracy,...
Marriage Of Mathematics And Art (Of All Forms) – Pioneered By Husband And WifeMarriage Of Mathematics And Art (Of All Forms) – Pioneered By Husband And Wife
Peter Hamburger (a famous Mathematician) and his wife, Edit Hepp (a renowned Artist) created a beautiful series of colored images...