Artificial Intelligence – What It Is And What It Is Not

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Artificial (adjective) is used to describe anything that does not exist naturally. In other words, it is a word used to describe anything that does not arise from natural or necessary causes.

Anything that is artificial is a product of intentional human manufacturing processes. This does not mean that any artificial object is useless. Artificial hearts and limbs are extremely powerful replacements for people who need help when their hearts or limbs have totally failed. However, they cannot be compared to natural hearts and limbs.

Intelligence is the capability that allows anyone or anything (like computers, robots and other machines) to make decisions based on observations, experience, training and rules (to name just a few inputs that go into what intelligence is). Intelligence involves the ability to solve problems .

Intelligence (noun) is the ability to acquire, understand, and use knowledge. Imagination is also a part of intelligence that may involve more complicated cognitive areas.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the “intelligence” of machines or software and is different from what human beings possess. It is a field of Computer Science, which enables the building of “intelligent” machines that can almost mimic human beings in solving problems.

Considering the question asked by Alan Turing “Can machines think?” [in his seminal publication “Computing Machinery and Intelligence” ] and the objection raised by Ada Lovelace [which was stated by her as “machines are incapable of independent learning” ], we need to ask two fundamental questions about AI (Artificial Intelligence). Firstly , can AI technology (machines and software) think like human beings? Secondly , can AI technology (machines and software) act like human beings? In my understanding of the works done by Alan Turing and Ada Lovelace, both the answers are “no” because any technology (like artificial intelligence and others created by humans) has to be created and improved by human beings.

Yes, chess programs exist today, that have been developed to beat human grandmasters. However, these programs are not able to independently “think” without human beings providing different inputs and continuous feedback. Furthermore, these programs cannot act like human beings because they depend on human intervention while playing a human grandmaster.

Fear not! The future is bright because AI will be a wonderful tool in our toolkit to work more wonders for mankind. However, we should not allow this tool to fall into the hands of power-hungry politicians who can destroy all the benefits of AI by using it for selfish purposes!!! Proper governance is the key that will allow us to use AI ethically.Ai[Author of the quote is unknown but the cartoon is taken from –]