Does God Speak To Me?


A. Jesus taught me two fundamental lessons – they are the two greatest commands of all: (1) to love God and (2) to love others (Matthew 22:37-40). So, if I pray to God and have thoughts (including a lack of consideration for others), that are not from God, I believe He will not answer me!
B. The Bible is pellucid about truth! He tells us repeatedly, through His word (Bible), that He is a God of the absolute truth (Deuteronomy 32:4 and John 14:6). Therefore, if what I hear is not true, it is not from God. I will avoid “preachers” who are heretics and false teachers who do not follow the Bible!
C. God can ask me to do things that do not make sense from a human perspective. However, He is not going to ask me to do something that makes no sense in light of where He has already called me or how He has already gifted me. God will surely not ask me to build an ark like what Noah did, but He can ask me to do things that appear difficult. I will surely hear Him speak to me if and only if the Holy Spirit uses the Bible to communicate with me.
D. Jesus has said that His true followers each have a cross to carry (Matthew 16:24). If I am confident that following God’s word (Bible) will not harm others, it means that God has spoken to me to do something for others in a small way! The perfect example of this is the act of praying for others without necessarily broadcasting to everyone that I have done this.
E. God promises that He “works for the good of those who love Him” (Romans 8:28). Do I love God with all my heart, mind and soul? I am not in this level yet but I can ask God to help me. He will speak to me through PIE (People, Ideas, Events) but the ideas I gather from Bible verses is my topmost priority! Am I willing to listen to the still and small voice within me when God speaks? Yes, I am willing and I will listen!
F. God has given me gifts and talents that I have not deserved. This does not mean that God cannot call me to do something beyond my own human ability! He can do this and He will, but have I been faithful to answer such a call in the past? I have failed many times, but God will give me more chances in the future and I need to listen when He speaks new challenges into my spirit.
G. God’s voice can be challenging, but it is never unloving or condemning. God will call me to grow more like Christ! He has never said that I am worthless or not good enough. It is my mind that calls me worthless and not good enough. God is always communicating with me to remove negative thoughts. I need to listen carefully!
Beware of Heretics – There are many in the world!Heretics