QH + QE + HC = Holistic Healing

| | 2 Comments| 3:59 pm

Let me start with the meanings of the abbreviations QH, QE and HC.
QH: Quantum Healing
QE: Quantum Entrainment
HC: Health Care

So much has been written and practiced by greater people, in the early days of human existence to modern times, and I would like to share my thoughts on these 3 aspects. My idea is to allow for discussions on the topic of our daily health.

[A] In my understanding, performing QH (Quantum Healing) on ourselves will involve a combination of spiritual, meditative, and holistic practices to connect with our “Higher Self” that will release negative energy, and promote self-healing. The key is to practice regularly to see consistent results and improvement in our overall well-being. We should also be open to receiving guidance and direction from our “Higher Self”. A consistent focus on releasing negative energy and emotions, rather than trying to force a specific outcome, must form the foundation of our goal. In connecting our “Higher Self” with God, many of us will become self-aware and generate a “EuFeeling” (Euphoric Feeling) which has been explained by Dr. Frank Kinslow in his books. [Please visit https://kinslowsystem.com/ for more information about Dr. Kinslow and his extensive experience.]

[B] The next logical step is called QE, a technique invented and pioneered by Dr. Frank Kinslow. The method involves (1) to find a quiet and comfortable space where one can relax and focus one’s mind, away from external distractions, and (2) to sit comfortably with one’s back straight, eyes closed, and to take a few deep breaths to calm one’s mind and body. When one focuses one’s attention on one’s heart center to visualize a bright, white light filling one’s entire body, even if this is done for a minute, a whole feeling of peace will engulf one’s inner being. This feeling (“EuFeeling”) will slowly manifest itself even when we open our eyes after patiently practicing for a few days. Dr. Kinslow encourages all of us to practice daily and not worry about anything that happens around us. We will slowly learn to accept reality through self-awareness and will reach a state of peace, love and joy!

[C] HC (Health Care) is a field that is known to all of us. We will always need the help of doctors, nurses, and healthcare workers during our times of good or bad health. They are the experts, in my opinion, and are God’s “servants” who provide absolutely essential services to all of us during our lifetimes. I am suggesting that all of us can use the two techniques mentioned in [A] and [B] to complement our “health journey” while we are not visiting doctors (which, hopefully, is more than 90% of our lives).

If we can combine all the 3 methods/techniques described above, is it not possible to live better and be at peace within ourselves? We will reach a state of not being concerned about what goes on outside of us!

2 thoughts on “QH + QE + HC = Holistic Healing”

    1. Yes, Lovely, meditation is involved. However, I am discussing a holistic approach that will quieten our minds in order to reach a state of self-awareness and peace within ourselves. Thank you for your feedback!

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