Firstly, let us honestly look at a few “big” terms used in today’s world of politics and governance: A.T.O.P. (Aristocracy, Theocracy, Oligarchy, Plutocracy). They all seem to miss the mark when it comes to the teachings of Jesus Christ. Secondly, we will also describe a few of the less common terms that can make anyone go crazy! Even these “small” terms in today’s world of politics and governance do not adhere to the teachings of Jesus Christ.
As individuals, can we really claim to be followers of Jesus Christ if people vote for a government that combines theocracy, aristocracy, oligarchy, and plutocracy, that allows “democracy” to be re-defined as “by the 1%, of the 1%, and for the 1%”? Jesus Christ preached love, humility, and serving others. So, what do these systems perform for the common good of hoi polloi?
Aristocracy – a system of governance in which power is vested in a few individuals considered the ruling class.
Theocracy – a fanciful form of governance that leads to a few people claiming they know what God wants for everyone else.
Oligarchy – is formed by a small group of people pulling the strings, and, they usually do not have the best interests of the common people at heart.
Plutocracy – is a form of oligarchy in which society is ruled and controlled by a few wealthy citizens.
The less common forms of governance (or government itself) – “small” terms compared to the 4 mentioned above – are M.N.P. (Meritocracy, Noocracy, Particracy).
Meritocracy – a system of governance where particular sectors of the economy are left to the so-called “experts” in each sector.
Noocracy – a system of governance in which wise people (those who have the ability to find viable solutions to problems) run the government.
Particracy – a governance system in which the leading party in the country takes control of the government.
Most people praise democracy as the best form of government in today’s world. Is it really true? The facts, from history and present times, show that this system is flawed because of the fundamental voting problems to a level of polarization that can occur if one party wins the elections.
Corruption exists in all forms of governments. It is horribly rampant even in so-called democracies across the globe!
I believe that Noocracy – a system of governance in which wise people run the government – is the best path to adopt if we want to solve people’s problems. However, how do we identify wise people in any country? Should the people elect them? Yes, I think so.
By electing leaders who have wisdom, character, and moral standards, we could reach a state of governance that Jesus Christ asked us to practice.
Jesus Christ taught us that there is a rightful place for government, but it is not co-extensive with the whole realm ruled by God. Governments have a duty to fulfill, but they must not be confused with the ultimate authority behind all authorities. When governments overstep their bounds and celebrate sin, they undermine their own legitimacy. All of us must be prepared to say, “We must obey God rather than men” (Acts 5:29), when confronted with situations that compromise our faith.